Tuesday, December 9, 2014

ISO27001 Qatar– Domains, Objectives and Controls

ISO27001 Qatar is used commonly because all companies understand the need of keeping their information safe and secure from others. That is why they prefer achieving this certification to increase the level of trust of their potential customers and interested parties. ISO27001 refers to an international standard which helps in maintaining certain security controls for the organization.


ISO27001 is used by many companies in Qatar to ensure the safety of their information systems. Many companies consider it a risk to keep data in their devices without proper security controls and consider security the first priority of their business. They are well aware of the fact that competitive companies can steal their private data and use it for their own advantage.

ISO27001 Qatar acts like a framework for the information security management system and helps in the establishment, management and implementation of security controls. Many businessmen prefer being ISO27001 certified as it is an international standard. This will help them in expanding their business as well as in trading internationally. This standard has many other benefits as well. It helps in compliance with other security controls and helps businessmen in maintaining a good image of their company in the market. Customers and interested parties are more likely to trust those companies in Qatar which are ISO27001 certified.

Domains objectives and controls:

The domains and control objectives of ISO27001 are given as follows:

1. Security policy:

The objective of this policy is to help in the management of security controls in accordance with the laws related to information security. This also assists the management in making important decisions related to security.

2. Organization of Information Security:

The objective is to manage information security within the workplace i.e to assist managers with security controls. Another objective is to maintain the organization’s information which is managed by third parties.

3. Asset management:

The objective of this control is to manage the assets of the company and to protect it from risk.

4. Human resource security:

The main objective of this security is to ensure that all the employees and interest parties are capable and understand their job responsibilities. After getting the job, the objective is to ensure that they understand the risks and threats involved in managing information security.

5. Physical environment and security:

The objective of this control is to prevent physical access to the information.

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