Information Security is set of
practices to manage administrative, technical and physical controls in order to
protect the confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of information.
Information Security UK is holding a powerful profile and consists on different
concepts which are essential to know in order to understand information
security in UK.
- Administrative Control
- Technical Control
- Physical Control
- Confidentiality
- Integrity
- Availability
Administrative Control:
Administrative Control is to manage human involvement in InfoSec. It consists on management directives, guidelines, policies, procedures or standards. Some of the good administrative controls are training and awareness program on information security UK policies and business continuity OR Disaster recovery plans.
Technical Control:
Technical controls cover all
technical factors of information security. They are technology dependent such
as file permissions, firewall, Anti-virus software, access control lists.
Physical Control:
It is designed to control Physical
factors involved in information security. These are controls that can be
touched or seen and people can easily relate with them. They are designed to
control physical access to confidential information such as Fences, Locks and
alarm systems.
Why information security?
Why information security?
Why we need information security
especially for UK market, sometimes it is not an easy job to answer such

Most of us know that information security is for protecting CIA of
information and every company needs some kind of security parameters to protect
their confidential business information. To understand more why your company
needs information security here are few questions for you to answer.
- Do you have confidential information to protect?
- Do you have information that must be available, when needed?
- Do you have information that must remain accurate?
Every company needs information
technology to minimize unauthorized disclosure of confidential information and
mitigation. Every company needs implementation of security practices to reduce
a risk to a level acceptable to the business. Information security is needed to
keep business continuity and for company survival in competitive business
Who will take the pledge?
Well, honestly and practically
everyone is responsible for information security. A hierarchy is implemented in
information security too; from senior management to the junior employee every
employee is responsible for securing information. But it will “start” from top management and
follow the drop down pattern. Senior management must take a serious commitment
towards information security. After that they must communicate their strategies
and commitment with their team.
Management must understand the importance of employee training and
awareness towards information security and how to maintain.
Senior management must implement set
of policies and take required measure to ensure information security. They take
responsibility of implementing new technology to minimize data breaches. Risk
analysis and budget approval is a responsibility assigned to top management
only. Without a commitment of top management, information security is
impossible. To ensure information security, serious involvement of top management
is crucial.
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